About Us

“It seems that in this second decade of the 21st century a good part of our online conversations have been driven by bots.”

Fernando Gutiérrez, 2018

AI and Human Rights

Our project seeks to explore the impact of Twitter and AI-enabled Twitter bots in shaping public perception regarding immigration reform, including impacts on perpetuating polarization, social divisiveness and hate speech targeting Mexican immigrants. A mixed methodology using data mining, social network analysis, and content analysis will be used to analyze approximately 1 million tweets and corresponding accounts captured through the Twitter API.

Principal Researchers

Berkeley, University of California

  • Camille Crittenden
  • Brandie Nonnecke

Tecnológico de Monterrey

  • Dora Elvira García
  • Oscar Miranda
  • Fernando Gutiérrez
  • Alejandro Martín del Campo